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Re: Star Wars... It's not the hype

Chris E. tapped out:

> The majority of humans feel better about themselves if they can believe in
> something a little bigger, a little more powerful, a little more
> understanding, or a little nicer.   Depends on the person as to which
> applies, I guess.

I would argue that it's not *just* the believing that makes us feel
better.  I believe in God, and don't feel better when I fail him.  I
would insert that *serving* a higher being is what makes us feel
better.  And I would even go a little further, and say that finding and
maintaining a relationship with God is an innate part of being human. 
We all have the same desires deep down.  We may have different secondary
desires, but we all have the same basic needs.  It's because our creator
made us this way.  We are all a part of the whole if you will.

HTH somebody!


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