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Re: OTR web site

"Joshua M. Neds-Fox" <jnedsfox at moody_edu> sez:
>Exactly!  See, they even *sound* like comic book icons.  What could be more
>appropriate than action figures?
>I don't think the question is even whether or not it should be done.  I
>think the only relevant question is should the toys be revisionist or
>true-to-life?  "Rippling Muscle" Linford and "Laser-Action" Karen with her
>trusty adventure hound, Willow (Rickenbacker not included).

true-to-life.  And if the Rick isn't included, I don't want any.
NP: Warren G - _Regulate...G Funk Era_
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long (1916-4272):
"Natural laws have no pity."
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