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Re: Moth lyrics

Jess said:
>  but i really wish i could understand half the words she said, because 
> the words to songs by over the rhine are some of the most beautiful, 
> well-thought and poetic words of songs in the market today.

So do what I do.  Listen to the disc for Karin, and read the lyrics for
Linford, and if somewhere in between you manage to find some blissful
harmony--well hey!  You've just transcended your own boundaries!

And anyway, would you say of Van Gough, "I wish he had painted a little
more realistic.  That Starry Night would be so much more beautiful if I
could actually make out the stars or the moon."  Or would you remark of
Shakespeare, "I love his work, but all that imagery is so complicated. I
wish he would have left out all the references to youth as spring, old
age as winter etc, etc..."  My point is the things we think are
beautiful, are beautiful because we do not completely own them.  They
are individual works that speak volumes of sometimes unintelligible,
sometimes unrecognizable emotions.  

Sometimes it takes a complete stranger to know just what you need.


"All of a sudden--I don't know why--I had this illumination on how to
write the book."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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