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Re: you beautiful people

Hi, folks. This has nothing to do with Stef's wonderful post (sorry, Stef!). 
I'm having a problem and I need help. Last night, I got a rather indelicately 
worded email in a particularly large font from this individual (with the 
rather disturbing eddress chrspy69 at aol_com) requesting that I stop sending 
him/her/it email. It was followed thereafter by this delightful exchange:

 Chrspy69:	 what is going on
 Ysobelle:	 I have no idea. Are you subscribed to any mailing lists?
 Ysobelle:	 Have you been getting mail from any other addresses?
 Chrspy69:	 none
 Chrspy69:	 yea alot
 Ysobelle:	 Ah. Okay-- what emails are you getting?
 Ysobelle:	 Over the Rhine, or the Goth list?
 Chrspy69:	 from different names but they are usually the same
 Ysobelle:	 Hm. What was the last one you got?
 Chrspy69:	 dont remember just dont email this name again ok
 Ysobelle:	 I'm trying to explain this to you. Somehow, you've 
subscribed to a mailing list. I have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL over you getting 
the mail from that list. And I cannot help you unless you tell me what email 
you're getting.
 Chrspy69:	 i deleted it all i will have to wait for another to come in
 Ysobelle:	 If you're getting email from the Over the Rhine list, I can 
tell you where to go to unsub. If you're getting mail from the Goth list, I 
can tell you where to go to unsub from that. Otherwise, you'll continue to 
get mail. I am not sending you anything personally. As I said, I don't know 
 Chrspy69:	 welli will write you when more comes in
 Ysobelle:	 Fine. 
 Ysobelle:	 Oh-- and next time, I'd prefer it if you didn't curse at me.

This was followed this morning by two fwd'd emails from this very list-- the 
first one exclaiming, "I told you idiot" and the second, "I told you moron."

As you can tell, this is not a person of the highest intellect. I've tried 
explaining carefully that it's nothing to do with me, and I'm rapidly losing 
any desire to help them. But somehow, I seem to be the pointgirl here. So if 
anyone else can help me help this person reach nirvana, I'd be quite grateful.