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late night ramblings of a tortured college student . . .

hello list.
(hello stef!  what are you doing writing e-mail when you should be writing 
term papers?)

let me explain. . . 
i have, for the last 2 hours, been listening to Eve end to end, back to back. 
 it's been a lovely visit.  more than lovely, actually.
i am beginning to work my way towards a friday-night climax.  watch out, 
bogart's . . .
it could be very interesting, indeed.  i finish the last of my final projects 
on thursday and i don't begin studying for exams until saturday evening  - 
what does this tell us, children?  that friday night is the center of my 
existence for the next 2 weeks.  it is the sabbath, if you will.  the day of 
rest, the night of revelation.  
i will be travelling with four of my closest friends (including the 
newly-acquired boyfriend) to cincinnati after my classes on friday in order 
that we might partake of the communion wine.  
