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my kent review

oh dear!  i hate this!  jg specifically says that he's waiting for *my* 
review, since i nabbed the set list and all.  *sigh*  now expectations will 
be high, and i'm really not good at this.  i will share what i know, though.

yes, i did take their set list (i'm so sorry, guys, if you're reading this, 
but you know, i was always one to go in for peer pressure), but i gave it to 
ysoie, cause she's the one who wanted it.  but i wrote down my own set list, 
so there.

so, kyle and i made the trek up to kent from columbus.  was interesting.  i 
had a lovely time in columbus, by the way.  chris and kyle and their 
roommates were as open and giving as usual, and i just had a perfect stay.  
chris is so snuggable, especially during movies.  kyle is so gorgeous.  
*swoon*  eric is wonderful and still owes me a beer.  and evan, i'm so sorry 
i didn't get to see you.  next time.

i had three guys violating my love spot on thursday night.  i was in absolute 

anyway, off to the concert.  i spotted my beloved jg immediately as kyle and 
i stood there, getting our tickets cut.  dearly beloved waved from a table 
WAY up by the speakers and everything, and i slowly wove my way up to see 
her.  i squealed when i saw jg, though, and gave him a huge hug that could 
have lasted for hours.  well, not hours, but you know what i mean.  and 
that's when i met listie heather, who is absolutely gorgeous.  just like all 
the other listies.  gosh, i feel good about myself when i'm with you people!  
i also got to meet listie amy-raven at this moment in time, who is absolutely 
gorgeous.  *sigh*  you people!  really!

so, i finally made it to dearly beloved's table, where i stole jg's seat at 
the edge of the table, with my ear sitting close to the speaker.  i hugged db 
and she told me i looked beautiful and i said the same and we just sort of 
convered with the "so, how have you been since it's been a year since i've 
seen you?"  she's lovely.  and jg, tell her that she has to tell me about the 
linford memory story.  thanks.  :)

so, the band is warming up and we're all chatting and i met amy and phil who 
don't have a computer so aren't on the list anymore.  we miss them.  and jg 
snuck me in my egg rolls, because we were supposed to go for a chinese dinner 
last year and we never did.  and jack looks at me and says, "so, what do you 
want to hear tonight?"  and i told him "everything."  and he pointedly looked 
at the speakers and said, "i think you will" or something to that effect.

and we played hangman.  like jg said, i won.  we didn't get to finish out my 
game, though.  by the way, my word was *conducive*.  it's my favorite word at 
the moment.

then nikki comes in to set up because she's opening and jg say, "hi nikki!" 
and then she gives him a blank look that says, "why do you know me?  i have 
no clue who you are."  he says he loves that look.  they have a little chat, 
and then she goes away.  the place starts really filling up so that you can't 
even move in your chair lest you step on someone's hand who's sitting on the 
floor in front of you, and finally nikki starts playing.

wow.  jg loves her teeth.  (yes, amy romania, teeth are big in jg's book).  
nikki is awesome.  i bought plow on boy's album.  listening to it now.  good 

while nikki is playing her third song, ysoie and gardner step in, oozing 
their way through the crowds to our table.  ysoie unknowingly wore the same 
dress as me (i was supposed to wear my green one, i know!), and we shared a 
chair for most of nikki's set, until i just couldn't bear it.  i slid down on 
the floor.

finally, between nikki and over the rhine, we floated all over the place, 
getting a hot fudge brownie with mint chocky chip ice cream, looking at 
amy-raven's pictures (jay, you're SO cute!  can't wait to give you a big fat 
hug!), and meeting other listie and other people.  then over the rhine came 
out to perform, and the fun began.

*the setlist*
1.)  the seahorse
2.)  bothered

just about died when i heard this.  yes, obviously it was the _besides_ 
version, but it's still a beautiful song!

3.)  etc. whatever

it took me forever to remember what the name of this was.  i had to ask jg 
and monica what it was, but when jg went to tell me, it hit me.  i wrote on 
our paper (we passes many notes) to monica "all of gdbd sounds the same!"  
she nodded in agreement.

4.)  moth

yeah, i like it.  wish they had done *tumbleweeds* though.  :(

5.)  little blue river

ysoie:  "i miss brian on this one."
jessyka:  "i miss looking at brian.  :)  and mike."
(btw, i have a nice little picture of mike in my liner note to my blow on boy 
cd, so i'm semi happy.  :)  that bald head...YUMMY!).

6.)  goodbye

we really missed the drums on this one.
monica:  "i miss terri and brian!"
jessyka:  "me too--karin is wonderful but they need harmony and rhythm."

7.)  anyway
8.)  circle of quiet

jessyka:  "they need ric on this one"
ysoie:  "have you ever heard ric play this?"
jessyka:  "i've never seen monk nor do i have their cd."

9.)  it's never quite as it seems
10.)  all i need is everything
11.)  lucy

yes, kids, lucy is a real girl and she's all right now.

12.)  faithfully dangerous

the ants were being murdered by the magnifying glass by this one.  karin's 
slip up "picture paint me fingers of all you see" made us listies burst into 
laughter.  made me realize how few people were there specifically to see the 
band.  bradys seems like a big date place, and with tickets at only $8, it's 
a nicer, different approaced to dating than the unimaginative dinner/movie 

13.)  jack's valentine

JACK RAWKS!!!!!!!!  and linford spoke for a couple minutes.  told us about 
shopping at the flea market.  hazel bought a couple chairs, he told us.  but 
we missed snoop duggy dug.  i even yelled out that we wanted him, but no on 
paid any attention...

14.)  latter days

funny, they played the intro and i wrote to ysioe, "if they play *latter 
days* i'm going to cry."  and they did.  and i did.  as for gardner's head 
being in my lap, at this point i was in a chair by the window and he was on 
the floor in front of me.  we both have sad stories relating to this song, 
and we had shared them and it was an *us* moment.  we held hands.  we cried a 
little.  it was peaceful, and very much needed.  thank you, gardner.  i love 
you muchly.

*encore one*
orphan girl
go down easy

jessyka:  "look!  it's your song!"
monica:  "i've been waiting for it.  how did you know i liked it?"
jessyka:  "jg mentioned it.  besides, it sounds so much like *poughkepsie* 
and i know you like that one."
monica:  "you have a good memory.  remind me to tell you the linford memory 

did that earlier in the post.  :)

*encore two*
my love is a fever

nice...never thought i'd hear it live, even though i have it live on my 
_besides_ cd.

so, that was the show.  and i snagged the set list.  and we all decided to go 
to some bar down the street so we could hang out.  and the scary guy hit on 
all the girls, except for me.  i felt left out.  but then, i had kyle sitting 
in my lap, so maybe that was why.

yes, i loved all of the new people i met.  and purity tests are fun.  i took 
a 100 question one and got a 30%.  this one was 500 questions (imagine a 
table of nine people, all but three taking this test) and i got a 53.2%.  i 
can't decide if i'm impressed or digusted with myself.

and gardner, thank you so much for carting me home.  and letting me sleep in 
your car for however long that was.  and for playing sister of mercy.  ysoie, 
keep working on me.  maybe you can make me goth.  but aren't i slightly too 
up beat for that?

and so, on two hours of sleep in my bed, i woke up and went to work, where i 
had an absolutely lovely day.  got 11 hours of work, went out afterwards, and 
had a delightful time playing on the swings in an abandoned playground that 
probably should have bene closed after sunset.

one thing i realized about over the rhine.  i fall in love with them all over 
again every time i see them.  like burril, maybe it's only because i'm a 
newer over the rhine follower, but i think it's more than that.  i've been 
asking everyone i know lately what they are passionate about.  most people 
don't know.  but everyone who knows me can tell you that my passion is my 
music.  my music and other people's music and just music in general.  and 
over the rhine's music, whether they be the original four, or the trio i saw 
friday night, or the six-piece i've seen in the past, invoke more emotion 
than many bands/musicals/choirs/singers are able to do.  and i appreciate 
that.  i love that more than anything.  and i, for one, will not stop 
listening to them or supporting them or anything else.  i am sad that brian 
is leaving.  but everything happens for a reason, and obviously brian has a 
different path to follow than karin and linford.  i love them as they are, 
and i will miss them as they are, but i am looking forward to their new spin. 

and i hope everyone knows that i wasn't replying to what anyone else has 
said...that was all me.

and now, children, i am going to leave you.  my lack of sleep is *finally* 
catching up to me, i have a couple more e-mails to answer, and i this is 
certainly long enough already.

oh, and mark, i am certainly not worth coming to cincinnati to see.  
although, it would certainly please me to see your smiling face.  don't see 
it happening, unfortunately, but it's always nice to dream.

oh, and as for jack's cd.  i need to spin it a couple times yet.  but he sang 
one line and i turned and looked at my stereo and said, "i don't think he 
should do that."  his voice will take time to grow on me.  but i do like the 
afghan whigs, so there's hope.

good night, and thanks for reading.

np:  _children of eden_
*hugz and kisses*