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band seach help

I was visiting a friend earlier this week who was playing a cd from a band
from Athens GA with milk in there name.  I think the group's name had three
words in it. Any help on the name?  I knew I should have written it down!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dana McCullough [mailto:danamcc at netscape_net]
Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 10:23 AM
To: over-the-rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Peacemaking

Good Morning All--

Here's a question, whatever happened to my soft cuddly (sort-of) friends who
used to write sweet messages on something called the Over the Rhine

Are you still there?

Suddenly, I seem to be receiving mail from The Dallas Morning News's
discussion listserve.

I'm just trying to put a smile on your faces.  I am not trying to dictate
content of the posts.  PLEASE don't think that.  It's just become a little
heated in the last few days.  

For me, the full realization of this came when I began reading my e-mail
stepping in from a chilly, but relaxing morning, and playing a few cords on
co-workers guitar.  (ok, so it's not a grammatically correct sentence)
is, the last thing that I expected to read was:

>>Like the relative cost of Jock itch medicine compared to yeast infection 
If it really has to go away-you will pay! 

EWWWWWWWW!!!!  Is this really necessary??  For me, it's the last thing that
want to think about at eight in the morning.  I know that the post was in
response to a question, but yucky!!  (no, Otherone, I'm not attacking you).

I had a point--oh yeah, so does anyone know anything about the band??

AND--if there are any Velour 100 fans out there, check out their web site.
It's amazing.

hope that I didn't sound like too much of a hippy

eat a cookie, have a muffin, drink some coffee or juice and enjoy the

peace, ya'll


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