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Re: gas out

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:30:59 GMT, cemery at columbus_rr.com (Chris Emery)
>I think there's better things to get up in arms about.  Like the fact 
that the
Indeed mostly the US, since the europeans are, as always, too divided 
to keep the peace in their own continent.

>is bombing a soveriegn nation without a declaration of war from 
Not to mention keeping it out of the UN Security Council so the 
Russians and the Chinese can't veto them.

>I very strongly feel that after 30 days have passed, either we 
>1) stop bombing
Party time at Milosevic' house

>or 2) declare war.   
Never, 'cause thousands of Kosovans (Kosovarians?) are not worth the 
lives of relatively few American, Dutch, German, French, .... 

Which brings up the immediate question
Would YOU (I) risk your life by going there??


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