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Re: the weekend's activities in review [no OTR]

> Can I use Google to find porn sites?  Or useful porn information, =
> peut-etre?

Perhaps.  A search for "useful porn" turns up 5210 matches,
although #1 on the list is www.yahoo.com (maybe not so
strange after all, since every search on Yahoo seems to
turn up mostly porn [although we might then question
whether Yahoo is, in fact, useful]).
Interestingly enough, a search for "intelligent porn"
only brings 2817 matches.  #1 is www.excite.com, which
before you get too excited (ha ha) is also a search
Interestingly enough, both searches turned up actual porn
sites (judging from the names anyway, since I was at work
I didn't actually investigate) but also a lot of academic
type pages; thus, I was only doing these searches for the
(ha. ha.)

Mike.                                     don't say i never warned you
alchemy at crl_com                              when your train gets lost
