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Mike Georgin & Burlap to Cashmere

Well, I just got back from the Burlap to Cashmere show at Canal Street...
great stuff.  If you ever get a chance to see these guys, please try to
make it.  Really fun, great instrumentalists, great vocalists, etc...

Anyway, the opening band- Mattie Groves (from Columbus) got on stage, and
lo and behold, this tall bald dude gets on stage at bass.  I'd only seen
him once or twice with OtR, but once you see Mike Georgin, you can't hardly
forget what he looks like.  Anyway, they were a pretty cool band.  Just
sorta straight-ahead rock, but with passion.  I *almost* picked up their
CD, but being low on cash, I just picked up one of their address
thingies... maybe i'll order it from them.

later, I've gotta get to bed.  my last Saturday in tax season is tomorrow.
I'm so happy- almost done with this crap...


+--- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web ---+
      dantemm at erinet_com    http://www.dlm.net/gc/
     - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 
     "Shakespeare was known to have bad breath..."
+---               Nuno: "Garbage"                  ---+