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Re: Why...

Jaharnish2 at aol_com sez:
>>  >HTH.
>>  OH?   but there IS such a thing as a FREE BREAKFAST, eh, BUCKO?
>Augh! ya got me. thru the heart, bleeding bad, and direct.
>how quickly i forget.

Kids these days, I TELL YA!

>FWIW, you're still my ever-khool and breakfastmaster weirdo.

Whoa.  Make that breakfastmeister, and it's a deal.

>>  ><Lestat converts Louis scene> Melissa ~ would i do you harm? </Lestat 
>>  >converts Louis scene>
>>  Umm...ok.  What's this all about?
>------>mercifully sadistic hidden agendas, that's all.

I'll never understand you bloodsucking vampyre wannabees.

>>  I've been scribbling on a notepad while my hard drive defragments, and came 
>> up with the following wisdom:
>>  -Those who don't hide their unhappiness behind a facade are the only ones 
>> who are truly free.
>that's very good, IMHO.

I guess.  I'm still wondering what it all means.

>>  I don't yet know what that means, but it's scribbled on my OTS pad, so it 
>> must be significant.
>once it hits paper, pal....  >KAPLOW!!!<
>it's significant, all right.

then I've produced about 4 pages of newly-significant blather in the last
NP: Tears For Fears - _Saturnine Martial & Lunatic_
ICQ: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
Floyd Code: v1.2a r+d>s TW 0/0/ FD 0- 0 Meddle 4 0 22.1% <12feb99>
I radiate more heat than light.
