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Re: Zena's Dream, and a rant

[Scott Gorke]  Sir Eric writes as follows: "Eric Schumacher" <Eric_Schumacher at stercomm_com> 
Subject: Re: Zena's Dream

znf by way of jnf sez:

>Zena had an OTR dream last night.  We were at a concert, and a giant wave
>came crashing in and swept the whole hall out to sea and we drowned.

you guys must have watched that 'worlds most insanest crazy videos' last
night on NBC... did anyone in the concert hall explode without warning?
anyone get kicked in the head by a kangaroo?

[Scott Gorke]  God help us if we do. I always felt those shows to be an insult, a brazen opportunity to watch someone else get hurt. "Watch in horror as a plane goes down in flames into a crowd at a state fair!" No! Why should I?

Sam Phillips says, "Pain becomes pleasure when it's televised."

Damn right. "World's Most Amazing Horrifying (whatever!) Videos" should be ignored.

Yeah, this was not a tactful missive. I'm sure I'm leaving something out of this thesis. But I don't like shows like this. That's just me.

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