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In a message dated 3/31/99, 8:06:18 AM, binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com writes:
>> well, well, well . . . 
>>you can count me in on this one if i ever get my car
>>started again.  
>>bink?  you gonna call off the curse?

>sure. but have you tried using the *ignition key*?

oh, shit!!!  all this time . . . they key!!!!!!  what can i say, i'm just a
stupid *girl*.  do you know how many assholes have asked me if i have gas in
my car???

>> i think i've really won my friend scott over to our
>> side, folks - he almost
>> peed his pants when i told him about this concert. 
>> Yippee!!!

>what?! you like to watch your friends pee? stef, you need help.

you mean everyone doesn't like to watch their friends pee?!?  

>serious help, babe.

hmmm . . . been a while since anyone's called me "babe."

wearing a tank-top for the first time in oh-so-many months,
