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Re: Question for the Saturday attenders / Latter Days

At 11:59 PM 3/25/99 EST, Jaharnish wrote:
>and Dan *also* sez:
>> anyway, on saturday, i was sitting in the middle/right pews (right behind
>> jay and chris, actually) - wearing a Saviour Machine shirt (big
>> white/gothic face on the front).  on sunday, i was sitting at the front
>> table wih bruce, steve, jay, chris, nikki & chris' roommate.  that was my
>> first listie meeting- and it was cool-- i'll be more vocal next time...
>wow. didn't even realize that was you Saturday.

yup.  it was.  i knew about Chris and the infamous KMFDF shirt... but i
never said anything to you guys on Saturday (i'm a bum).  but you're the
bastard who knocked over my cup of ice!!  blast.  i guess i'll forgive you.

>i met you Sunday, but, aw jeez.
>i even saw the Savior Machine shirt & was going to talk to you about them!
>i saw them at C-Stone 97 & liked them very much. the vocalist even sings with
>Eva O on a Project Records comp i have called _Excelsis: A Dark Noël_

yeah, i saw 'em at Cornerstone 97 as well.  for the first set, i was
practically sitting on the stage.  and for the second (nightime) set, i was
more in the middle of the crowd.

are you (or any other OtR-losties) going this year to Cornerstone?  i'm
seriously thinking about it.  i hope OtR will make it again.  i know
Vigilantes, Burlap to Cashmere, and Waterdeep are slated to appear... as is
Eva O...

>(*pst!* yzi! dana! amyraven! gardner! you others too cowardly to admit it
>look down here!)
>...and do we have another semi-goth in our midst?
>or, in the mist of our smoke machine, so to say?

yeah.  i like Saviour Machine and some other goth-type acts.  it seems as
if a lot of industrial bands have a goth-vibe (or at least goth imagery).
i wouldn't call myself a goth-head, but most of it is pretty cool shit.

>watching the clove smoke curl about the office ceiling,

mmm... i ran out of cloves before the Sat show.  in fact, three of them
broke in my pocket on my way down to Arby's... i was a bit less than


NP- Caedmon's Call _Caedmon's Call_  (not goth, very so *not* goth)

+--- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web ---+
      dantemm at erinet_com    http://www.dlm.net/gc/
     - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 
     "Shakespeare was known to have bad breath..."
+---               Nuno: "Garbage"                  ---+

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