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Re: Morning, questions, blah, etc.

Anywun seen mah spurz 'n bootz??

(I figured that the TX talk would pull Mr. Soupiset out)

------------------Original Message--------------------
Mr. Soupiset SAY:

>Whu-hull Shoot-fire !
Me 'un the utthur Texxuns muss be so un-deee-sirabull that we shu'd jes
leave this here descushun group an' git on our horses an' ride back to our
ranches whur we kin look at the tumbulweeeds passin' by an' not dare think
about hi-n-lofty thangs like music an' kulture.

Because the ethnocentric Chris SAY:
>>2.  Chris, what's so bad about Houston??
>1) It's in Texas.
>2) It's not Columbus.
>3) Proximity to Mexico.
>4) It's in Texas.
