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Chariots of Fire

The brave Rhinelanders have sweated and toiled over keyboards all day.

The music swells in the background as the hour drips slowly towards midnight
eastern standard time.  No one has yet been apointed the official post
counter, but the entire group knows that with just a few more words, a few
more clicks of the send button they will surpass their wildest dreams!

100 posts seemed like a lot at 4pm, but in retrospect that was only the
beginning.  How did they make it this far?  Will they reach 150 by the end
of the night?

Many listies strugle with that age old dilema.  Do they just hit the send
button for giggles in an attempt to add to the numbers, or must their posts
include some new tid-bit of information?  Their integrity is tested.  Are
they just out to break records, or do they want to respect themselves in the

It brings to mind The Guiness Book of World records.  If a person can spend
an entire day doing sit ups (it's in the 100's of thousands), then what is
so wrong with hitting the send button?  The words "Kill File" light up like
neon signs in the distance.  Is the eternity of dooming your voice to
silence worth the brief, shining moment of fame?

That is the question in the minds of each and every OtR listie as they hit
the "Disconect" key for the evening.  Their brains over-flow with might have
beens.  150 in one day.  An acomplishment, or an embarassment?

At least most of the posts added to the conversation.  And then, there was
this one...

"It's too much.

There are too many dismembered, butterfly-winged words
with not enough display cases to hold
my theoritical heart."

- Brian Gardner "Remembering Mother"