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Re: Re: Latter Days...

In a message dated 3/25/99 6:57:31 PM, macrell1 at pilot_msu.edu wrote:

>In related news, I picked up an October Project CD last week, and
>I can't seem to pry it out of my CD player.  Whose fault is it that
>I have a new Top 10 Favorite Band?  Speak up to receive your reward,
>and never mind my crocodile smile...

G-d, I hope that's me. I spread the gospel of October Project as much as
humanly possible. But I think a few of us have mentioned them.

Driving home from the club last night, I actually had to pull over next to
Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell and dive under my passenger seat (no
mean feat since I was in my corset) and dig out my tape of "October Project."
I discovered someone I met recently also adores them, so I was definitely in
the mood. That album always reminds me of my last season at the PA Ren Faire,
and the way the leaves looked and the air felt and the breeze smelled in the
farmland of Lancaster County at the turning of the seasons to Autumn. 

You do have both "OP" and "Falling Farther In," right? ("Further"? I pulled it
out of my case and left it in Pgh, dammit! I just discovered this at 3am, and