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Re: Re:babble in pews

In a message dated 3/25/99 8:48:15 AM, vogelap at email_uc.edu wrote:

>>Saw some one in a KMFDM T-shirt, who and what does it stand for?
>Kill Mother F*cking Depeche Mode. That "some one", BTW, was none other than
>Mr. Emery.

Nonononono. It does NOT stand for that. I believe it was translated once as,
"No majority for the pity" (and yes, I know it doesn't make as much sense that
way, but I didn't come up with it), but then the band itself, which as of,
um...two months ago? is no more, claimed it didn't stand for anything. Those
members left are functioning under a new pseudo-acronym which, as far as I'm
concerned, can't hold a candle to Mr. Neds-Fox's.

Ysoie, your font of useless G/I trivia.
