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Re: Re: Re: Re: Flame stirring

In a message dated 3/19/99 12:36:34 AM, kemenaker at hotmail_com wrote:

>how wonderful to meet a fellow dot fan!!!!
>"I'm Cuuuuuuuute"
>have you ever heard such inspiring poetry? 
>oh sorry for rambling I got a little excited

Hey, I'm cool with it. That particular line has gotten me out of oh-so-much
trouble! And, of course, it's always wonderful to further reference cultural
history by remembering the possible predecessor of said example of dialogue:
our dead Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Who can forget his immortal line:
"She thinks I'm CUUUUUUUTE!"

Ah, the memeories....

But I look wretched with large daisies in my hair. Or with a red nose.