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Re: another in a long line of them.

John posted this:

> > Sorry, for one who's been around these people, I can
> > tell you that you are
> > WAY WAY off on your post.  Many of the people listed
> > below have been used
> > by Linford and then thrown away like trash when no
> > longer needed.  It's not
> > word of mouth, I have seen it for myself.  Linford
> > has an amazing gift for
> > lyrics and music, but he is every bit as capable of
> > insensitivity as the
> > next guy.  It's just that everyone on this list has
> > only related to him via
> > his lyrics, and have never worked for him.  Don't be
> > so eager to arrogantly
> > defend Linford if you've never been in the
> situation.
> > 
> > Charlotte

Was this a private e-mail to you, or did I miss this one on the list?  I
would venture that this is something that charlotte wouldn't have the
guts to say to the whole list.  Charlotte, why *do* you continue to stay
on the list if you have such a low opinion of Linford--and is it *just*
Linford, or do you whisper in the ears of newbies these types of things
about Karin and Brian too?

Really, why bother to waste time and energy on such negative non issues?
I mean are we in some little sewing circle now?" 

 <<<<<Read in a demure, yet biting tone>>>>>>: "You should hear about
Linford, my does 		he have a temper, and I have it on good authority
that he's the whole 			reason that they can't keep a bass player!" 

Do you realize how childish these types of comments sound?  I mean even
if *you, yourself* were the person slighted by Linford, what bearing
does it have on us the fans?  Absolutely none--zero.  And furthermore,
who are we kidding, I mean all of us have our faults, right?  I have
things I don't like about myself as I'm sure do Linford, Karin ect.  As
far as I'm concerned this negative talk that tears down Linford, only
serves to build up those of you that are perpetuating it.  Does it make
you all feel better?  

See, here is my major complaint with this line of reasoning.  The band
is pretty much under the direction of Linford.  The band makes
beautiful, soul stirring music.  Linford gets a lot of writing and
artistic credit for the finished product.  And so some people can't
leave it alone.  To make themselves feel better about their own
situation, they find chinks in armor, spread rumours, and flat out tell
lies about, and *to* the band members.  I just happen to be so grateful
that there is a band out there that speaks to my heart, my soul, my
intellect, and my musical tastes all at once, that I could care less
what types of personality flaws they have.  And while I'm talking about
it, isn't it those very flaws that make the music possible?  Think about

So, if you want to start your own listserve, alt.linfordbashing then go
ahead, that's where it would belong, but this whispering around in
private messages trying to influence newbies and these public floggings
of someone who only asked us for a favour is really messed up.  I mean
the man has organized six beautiful masterpieces that most of us hold
very close.  Can't we just thank him for that with a little respect
now?  How hard would it be to put yourself last and think of the other
person this time?

Man, is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

bye for now,

