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Re: another in a long line of them.

--- white.ce.2 at pg_com wrote:
> Sorry, for one who's been around these people, I can
> tell you that you are
> WAY WAY off on your post.  Many of the people listed
> below have been used
> by Linford and then thrown away like trash when no
> longer needed.  It's not
> word of mouth, I have seen it for myself.  Linford
> has an amazing gift for
> lyrics and music, but he is every bit as capable of
> insensitivity as the
> next guy.  It's just that everyone on this list has
> only related to him via
> his lyrics, and have never worked for him.  Don't be
> so eager to arrogantly
> defend Linford if you've never been in the
> Charlotte

fine- but again, those people need to address their
grievances with linford, not us.

for the record, i do not have a utopian view of linford
or of OtR. they're human, just like everyone else, and
i'm certain linford, just like everyone else, has his
faults, and has treated people badly. but that doesn't
change my original statement on the quality of OtR's
"vision" (again, for lack of a better word) which,
perhaps in spite of the way OtR might behave in
private, is itself inspiring. i myself have strong
convictions and ideals from which i utterly fall short.
i have the good fortune to have merciful, forgiving
friends and understanding people around me who allow me
my wrongs and gently help me to get better. i should
hope that anyone who has a problem with linford could
treat him as well as i have been treated by my

slander is not a proper way to address wrongs, nor is
it effective in intiating healing. and, i must say
that, in my experience, most human relationships are
dialogical- involving two people and that in order for
them to be repaired, one must be committed to
maintaining that dialogue until healing happens. 

i really don't want to hear private grievances against
linford any more than i want to hear private greivances
against the president. 


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