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This is dumb

To OTR, 

I find the idea of writing to your "fans" asking them if you should "go
big" or stay "ma-n-pop" to be offensive.  Do you guys have any sensitivity
to the countless among us (writers, artists, poets, musicians, and other
thieves-in-the-making) who would do anything to be in your situation? I
have two friends, an actor and a writer in california, who would blow up a
small school of children to have the chance to sign a major deal.  

What is it you are really asking of us anyway?  To toss around cliches,
like "follow your heart" or "don't sell out" or "take a chance"??? Do
these really help? Is this really what you are looking for, or do you
think we have anything more poetic or inspiring or clever to say?

And of the fear of teenie boppers singing your songs in the mall or on the
beach with their hot pink lip balm...how fucking conceited can you sound?
It's one thing to think these things as artists and quite another to say
them.  Am I supposed to think that OTR is reserved for the deep thinking,
"apple orchard" arm-chair faggoty poetic types? Definetly not!  So what if
your music is listened to by not so "passionate" normal people who may
never get so recklessly inspired by it like most of us? So what...is it
any less meaningful or important as art? 

I'm apt to think that your music never really belonged to you anyway.  It
has and will continue to exist somewhere between you and us, as a gift for
both of us.  If you have no vision to see "us" broaden from peole who sit
cross-legged with trendy framed glasses sipping coffee to girls with
flourescent tits on beaches, then why in the world would ever want to go
big?  The secret is in seeing that there is not a whole lot of difference
between the two kinds of audiences anyway. 

