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Another one

Hiya everyone..i am a new kid...My name is Becca and I'm a student in 
Indianapolis, but i'm originally from Shipshewana, Indiana...amish 
captial of the world...:) I just signed on to this little gem a few days 
ago, and have been observing, trying to get the feel for this chatting 
thing. I'm also excited to hear so many people who like OTR!!! I've 
loved them for so long...very pumped about the dayton show...last one i 
went to was in indy in september at the Muriat with the junkies..very 
good show. by the way, does anyone have directions to canal 
street?..i'll be coming in on I-70 east. 

well, i also wanted to say a little something about our ever present "to 
sign or not to sign" debate. I am trying to be as objective as possible, 
and not let my personal feelings get in the way, because i think this is 
really about the band, and their vision from God and calling as artists. 
All i can say is that i honestly believe that Linford and the rest of 
the group, who have dedicated their souls to this band would not 
flippantly go into a contract if they felt their music would at all be 
compromised. I trust them when i listen to them and when i go to their 
shows, that they will not be plastic or top 40, and they will be real 
(something i can sink my teeth into:). And so i also trust that they 
will not go into this and allow themselves to be corrupted. I think that 
if we have trusted them thus far, we should keep that going...until we 
have a reason not to.  

One more comment and then i will leave you: "Nothing, I suspect, is more 
astonishing in any man's life than the discovery that there do exist 
people very, very like himself." C.S. Lewis. When i first heard OTR 
sitting on a hay-covered ground, eating hot pasta from a nearby vendor 
at Cornerstone festival (hooray to however mentioned cornerstone 
earlier!! love it love it love it), i discovered a part of myself, and 
in turn, people like myself that i never knew existed. I discovered, in 
essence, me. I think it is only fair to allow others this same 
opportunity. Yes, we do this already by word of mouth. But this way, OTR 
could get the exposure they deserve, as well as access to old produce :) 
and really, does anyone honestly think they would let themselves become 
the next..i don't know...spice girls?..that's an exaggeration obviously, 
but really..that's just silly! they are sooo much above that! 

so anyway, that's my two cents. Nice meeting you...


p.s. love U2 and love the unforgettable fire..i've never heard about the 
book you are talking about...neat-o. Joshua Tree is still and always 
will be my favorite. 

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