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Re: self-promotion+a netiquette request

---john davis <hellomynameisj at yahoo_com> wrote:

i humourously said:

> > yeah? well, that may or may not be so, but we make a better cup of
> > coffee.

johny replied:

> acording to whom?

my Lutheran heritage. i should make a clarifying point here, however.
i am protestant, but there is a difference between being
fundamentalist or not. besides, when you say that, do you mean
FUNdamentalist, funDAMentalist, or fundaMENTAList?

> some of the *best* coffee i've ever had is brewed by the lovely folks
> who own La Tazza Bella in chicago. they're very catholic. i needn't
> remind you that "espresso" is an italian word... italy is the *home*
> of Rome.

and to think coffee is the product of the Americas... western society
likes to take all the credit, eh?

> james dobson.... and dobson knows that coffeeshops are dangerous
> breeding grounds for rock fans, multiculturalists and *gasp* young
> couples *holding hands* coffee promotes sin.

oooooo.... isn't *sin* fun? i own a gutiar, you know. no, i own
*several* of them. i even sing. i'm going to hell. 

> if you want to know how michael w. smith would brew coffee, he owns a
> cafe in nashville tn called rocketown. 

thanks, but i'll pass. even though i'm going down there end of april
to play at the Bluebird Cafe with some friends.

> for the record, i'm episcopalian, and i brew my *own* coffee, and i
> used to sling espresso in the bourgious pig cafe in chicago, and i had
> "fans."

be Lutheran! it's all the Catholic, but half the guilt!


Q: how many Presbyterians does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: change?

hey, let's get together for coffe someday, okay?

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