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Re: Shamelessly stolen rhymes.

Dancing on a volcano, Jaharnish2 at aol_com said:

>Chris and (*ahem*) John dialogue:
>> > The gibberings of one who's at the limits of his sanity.
>>  cris... you wrote  poem about me. how *sweet.*
>>  :)
>>  john.
>"Chris-john", I'll have you know that I've been doing a little programming of
>my own now, mister. Yeah, *that's* right. I've only just perfected my
>masterpiece this morning. It's a "newsgroup personality" test, and calculates
>expessions used, attitudes regarding music, religion and philosophy, and
>predetermined responses to every situation presented (trends have been taken
>from past posts - and you know that I have a lot to draw from here).

Maybe one or two of mine.  John-boy's been a little more prolific than
I lately.

>I'm onto you, pal.

Hey!  Get off!

>My theory now stands - there was a young man named "Christian" that grew tired
>& weary from the same old newsgroup banter. To make things a bit more
>interesting, he joined a newsgroup ages ago about a band called Over the
>Rhine. He named himself: *Chis*. He holds his own very well & is quite
>respected (and sometimes feared) & liked on this list - knowing all the while
>that he has an "ace in the hole" if things become too doldrum for him. This
>ace was a *second* newsgroup personality just waiting in the wings - the name
>being the *second* syllable in his own name - "tian" - or, if you will -

Oh my.   You poor, deluded boy.  I only post from two accounts - this
one and snd_chaser at hotmail_com.  Anyone else is just a figment of
their own imagination.

To paraphrase Marvin: "Life is bad enough without inventing more of

>The perversion of this split is that the two now actually *chat* to each
>other, this heightening the experience for young Christian.

Christopher Michael, thanks.

>I believe my work here is done. Thank you.

Next.  *ding*

>Tongue in cheek,

If you'd only keep your typing fingers there too.  ;-P

"Ever heard the sound of a death row chorus?"

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