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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #473

john davis wrote:

> -somebody else will have to figure out the vaseling reference- i never
> use the stuff and have no idea what it might be doing in this verse.

just a curious thought going on with the abortion idea... is there a
chemical that is vaseline like that you use in performing blackmarket
abortions? or even in certain types of regular ones?

> 'if you think i'm jane
> let me kiss you
> if you think i'm jane
> if you think i'm jane
> let me call you an angel'
> ....  so are we    *all* baby jane? this would work if you take
> into account some buddhist ideas like the one that suggests we are all
> one in a sense. this is also in another way a christian idea; do unto
> others, etc.

and it would work in another way. of course, this is not really taking the
whole song into perspective, just the last bit still dealing with abortion
(though I suppose it could apply in more ways that one) is the thought that
we could all have *been* baby jane. when you consider that from my
generation a third of the children are no longer alive (I don't know all
the statistics I am guessing) becuase of various things. perhaps in saying
"if you think I am jane let me call you an angel" (which seems pretty
obvious that it's a life that has moved on to an afterlife) is relating us
to those issues, the 'that could have been me' idea.

okay, I just changed my mind or added on... so...

also, it seems possible that all these things are spoken from one child's
perspective. when you see the horror and pain in some families now.. and
when you are raised around crime sometimes it becomes a part of you too...
so a child sees her [sister/friend] wanting to (possibly doing) commit
suicide. her mom kills someone who she loves. (?) it seems that the next
part is talking about the same person, but perhaps not? saying how he died?
then it moves on to someone else [friend, relative] performing what I think
are blackmarket abortions. then it seems to turn a bit more, suddenly mom
is moving toward killing again, but it seems that 'jane' begins to think
about those things as well. getting the idea to kill.. who knows who. but
then it turns to her being the person who dies. makes me wonder who she
really was...

anyway, those are just a couple htoughts on the song... any more ideas?

personally, it's just an awesome song.

