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computer stuff...

Mr. Fox spoke proclaimed:

>Which is (partly) why I compute with a Performa, OS 7.1.  Which puts me
>comfortably behind the times, but just reasonably functional.  And I'm not
>on the net.  Yet.

Performa, ouch, OS 7.1, ouch ouch...but that's cool. I have no big beefs 
with MAC. Great for music and art stuff...i have a very good friend, who 
is also a OTR fan, who lives by MAC (poor guy, JK). He does great work. Go 
check his site out at:


But i can't talk about using old OS. Hell, i still use Win 3.1 at home. I 
refuse to give MS any money if i can help it. Long live LINUX!!! Which 
makes up a large chunk of my hard drive and has been for quite some time 
now. And i just love my two DEC Alphas here at work. I wanna hear about 
the monster system Mr. Emery gets to play with at work. How 'bout it Chris?


jeff k.

np: II B.S. >> Charles Mingus

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