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Re: Various topics again.

bruce sez:
>I saw Anne E. once in BG, in 97 I think.  Whenever "Effort of the Spin"
>was the bomb d'jour.  I was iffy on her, liked the music and lights I
>guess.  She hand wrote a note on her promotional post card back to me
>and I was QUITE impressed with that.

BG  being Bowling Green for the non-ohians.  she's big out there.  she just
did the New Years Eve show on, um,  i forget when that was, but just about a
month ago!  at Bowling Green.  somewhere.  she said they had a great night,
and lots-O-people showed up and the club/hotel owner treated everybody who
came out there really well (whatever that meant).

You were Iffy on her but liked the music and lights.  well, as long as you
like the music, i guess that's what matters.
I think she's kinda cute!

bruce continues:

>jg, I had no idea Nick Lowe was so "pop".  Quite a greatest hits CD that
>boy has.  Why wasn't/isn't he more popular?  (Nick, not JG).

who can answer that one?  was it because he was eclipsed by Elvis? maybe.
was it because he threw too much country in for the pop audience  (this was
before country music regained it's current popularity  (is regained the
right word to choose here?).  maybe.   but, that's just one thing i don't
know how to answer.   all that's important to me is that i like him,  but i
don't like him so well that i really wish him fame and fortune like i wish
on OtR.  oh!  i get to use this here!...IYKWIM, AITYD.    oh!  that was fun!

bruce continues again:
>My favorite joke is a knock-knock joke and it's so unfunny it's funny.
>I tell it repeatedly throughout the course of a night, and I think it's
>funnier as alcohol slows the synapses.  Not mine, mind you.

i have one.  wonder if it's the same joke?

knock knock.
who's there?
the interrupting cow.
the interrupting co...

why did the monkey fall outta the tree?

'cause it was dead.

little ian made up a similar joke.

why did the squirrel fall outta the tree?

because it wasn't missing all its legs.

so we said, you mean it had all it's legs?

and he said,  yes,  but it was also dead!

(i thought that was funny.  but then,  it's my kid.  i'm programmed)

well, that's it.  i'm done.   X-Files beckons...


NP: Mary's Danish  __Experience..Live + Foxey Lady__
      bink, i think you'd like this one, too.
