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Re: i suppose i should get involved

>> > and they had the most
>> > *interesting* form of a drum kit, too! 
>> yeah, with the tambourine hanging by yarn from a tiki torch sitting 
>> a trash can...
>it was stabbed through an old plaid hatbox or something, if i
>recall... and the funny thing is, i couldn't imagine the
>percussion/drumming any other way!

 oh yes... we were sooooooo alternative!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>there was one show in fort wayne at this kind of
>> coffeehouse thingy they did...they had borrowed some stage lights 
>> another taylor band called jollee Lumber punks (jLp)...
>LOL yeah, i *ran* that strange little monthly coffeehouse in Fort
>Wayne! that's probably where we met! i really wish i would've taped
>that show. it was a good one, as i recall. i remember opening for jLp
>at one point, too. what a fun crew.

jLp was the bomb....  and so was the coffehouse in Fort Wayne... hey
Rick.. my wife still has this old wine bottle with candle wax all over it
that you gave her for helping with the coffehouse... actually... it's
quite a treasure to her...  a central part of our decor.

I'm sorry that the old tiki tambourine stand has been retired, but you
know... i had an idea last night at work of getting the old band back
together to re-record "fall".. using all the same instrumentation, only
this time making sure the piano is in TUNE with the guitar, and getting a
little better sound quality... maybe re-releasing it on CD or
something...   but no doubt we would have to dredge up the old stand..
it's not the same without it.

Does anybody know if otr is planning a new album any time soon....?  I
know they are on tour now with Cowboy Junkies... i read something about
exciting big plans when they got back... anybody got an inkling of what
that is??? I don't know about you guys, but it's been way too long since
i've seen them in concert... WAY too long..  i'm jonesin for it... "I
need a fix cause i'm goin down"..................



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