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Fwd: Re: introductions are in order...


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I am stucki in Indiana as well!  I am trying to escape.  OTR.   I was born and
raised in the western suburbs of chicago.  I lived there until Sept.  98 - my
mother passed away and I lived with her - and thus had to move to my brother's
house in Indiana.  I am still however commuting to my little JR college in IL.
What a drag...
Well,  enough about that.

Over The  Rhine announce list has taken over my email!   i try and try to get
off the list but fail I must for mail keeps comin to me door.

If you're at Cornerstone Festival this summer  look for me on the new artists
showcase.   I'm not sure what i'll name the band,  but I'm jamie Nichols.

Last june, my friend made a kind of shotty recording of me and my guitar for
my last spontaneous trip to cincinnatti ohio for a free OTR show.  It was an
interesting day.  It rained, it poured,  then the sun burned brightly on our
necks.  Very enjoyable show.  karen was very nice and accepted my tape and
lyrics.  Couple months later I showed up at their show at Cornerstone.  I
waited around after their performance and asked Karen if she had listened to
the tape.  Unfortunately they had not had time due to preps for the touring
with cowboy junkies.   so I offered to grab my guitar from my tent (a mile or
so away).  She said that would be great.  She said she should be done packing
up and suck in 20 mins.  or so.  So I ran back to my tent, grabbed my guitar,
my singing partner and my car.  We drove back so it would go faster, duh.
When we got there, my heart pounding, excited,  the moment I had been waiting
for...Karen was gone.  She left with out me.  And when I tried to talk to the
new bass player guy,  he pulled over Brian, the drummer boy,  and just tried
to find out what happened,  I was surprised by the cold rudeness that they had
displayed to me.  Like a dork I cried.  I was crushed.  The band that had
moved me so much, and seemed so deep and that I was vulnerable to, now had a
pale cold face.

It's taken me until now to listen to their music again.  It's wierd the
relationships we establish with people we dont even know, and yet their music
touches the depths of our hearts and means something to us.  So I pretend now
that those songs have nothing to so with the individuals that make the sound.
Like they're my private songs.

If their was only one band, whose albums were the only albums I could ever
listen to again, I would definately chose over the rhine.  With out a

Now,  If I only had 4/5 people that I had to spend forwver with, and them
alone,  I would choose Becky, Debbie ( my sisters), Leah (Best Friend), Andy
and Maybe my brother. maybe.

My real address is jme_5 at hotmail_com.
I am on my sisters computer right now.

So, I encourage all to be strong in the Lord and to have peace in this crazy
world we live in.


Little Orphan Jamie

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