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Re: Re: listie stuff (No OTR)

Am I missing something, or has everyone forgotten that we already have a
listee page? That's what started the whole Bink-in-a-kilt craze last summer.
And there's a picture of me in costume there-- and thank you very much, but I
do NOT keep small children in my bodice. Small dogs, perhaps, and the
occasional handsome man, but no kids. Do I look like a pedophile, you evil
people? I don't even go for younger men, as a rule. 

A usual inventory of my faire-day bodice might reveal business cards, money,
spare jewlery, schedules, passes, a dagger, credit cards, a car key or two,
some blank checks, some ID, a pen, and my watch. The camera was an unusual
item. And when appropriate, I have to save some room for an impromptu Grape
Diving Competition. Hey, I have all that space-- I might as well do something
useful with it, right?