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OTR and prostitutes (Christian content)

My wife was reading to me the other night about a minister who arranged to
have a birthday party thrown in a diner for a prostitute who came in every
night (he'd overheard her mention that the next day she turned 39).  She
was dumbfounded, because who just throws a birthday party for a prostitute?
She didn't want to cut the cake, she just wanted to take it home with her
to her apartment.  When the owner found out that this guy who asked him to
throw the party was a Christian preacher, he asked him, "What kind of
church do you preach at?,"  and he answered, "The kind that throws a
birthday party for a whore at 3AM in a diner."  And the owner of the diner
thinks a minute and says, "No you don't.  Because if there was a church
like that, I'd go to it."

You know, it's really easy to fall into the trap as a Christian of hating
the sinner.  I think one of the foundational reasons that, in a
Christian sense, I like OTR is that they are unwilling to exclude anyone
from hearing what they have to say about life *and* about God.  They'd love
us to hear it.


Amy (I think) said:

but much of the "Chrisitan"
music in general seems to carry an air of condemnation toward anything 
"non-Christian." i can't quite explain it, but it's there.
I think it's becuase in general christians don't think God loves the world
I mean they say they do but they would rather think God loves them and the 
world is going to hell.  IYKWIM and that is sad. we are called to rescue 
the world and christians don't love the world the way God does. very
pharisitical (like that's a word!) or sadducetical? LOL

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