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songwriters and geography trivia

I was reading the thread about songwriters and faith and whatnot, and I 
must say that I was struck by Bink's comments about a songwriter's 
wrestling with faith and the issues of disclosing that struggle in song. 
(or in life in general...) I myself am not a songwriter (and I've tried) 
but I am a musician who understands the struggle. While living in 
Pittsburgh, I was in a band that was trying to dance the Christian/ 
secular line, much like OtR. (We're nothing like OtR, not even in the 
same ballpark, but they were a huge influence on us.) Declaring yourself 
as a Christian seems to be more limiting that helpful. We had things we 
wanted to sing about, our singer really tried to make connections with 
the audience, and it made no sense to us to put up a barrier that didn't 
need to be there. We wrote music that meant something to us, and 
hopefully it meant something to others. People need to relate to each 
other as people. The worst things that happen in history are when people 
start thinking in terms of us vs. them. 
I think I had a point in there somewhere. perhaps you'll find it.

Along those lines- I'd like to recommend an artist to everybody if you 
already haven't heard him. His name is Michael Knott. He tends to rock 
harder than the band that binds us here, but his songwriting is so good 
that I think you all would appreciate it. He comes to mind simply 
because I dug out one of his CDs the other day.

And now, the geography trivia. Trivial knowledge, anyway. As I was 
driving around my Philly suburb last evening, I passed a road called 
Detweiler Lane. Thought you'd find that interesting.

That's it. Finally.

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