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Re: Re: CBS. Welcome Home.

In a message dated 12/10/98 8:21:16 PM, cemery at iwaynet_net wrote:

>Capitol are the hosers that fucked up all the original US releases of
>Beatles albums.  
>But they also released Pink Floyd's albums here, so...
>I honestly can't think of a modern artist on Capitol ATM.

Up until last year, you could have said Duran Duran. But Duranies now refer to
the label as "Crapitol," after the last few DD albums got about as much
support as President Clinton at a Republican fundraiser. For instance, how
many of you are now saying, "Duran Duran? I thought they broke up years ago."

And as if that weren't annoying enough to us, Capitol has taken it upon
themselves to release a Greatest Hits album which, again, no one's heard
anything about, and which is in itself pretty much a rehashing of 1989's
_Decade_. As the band have said, "Don't blame us. We had absolutely nothing to
do with it."

The boys are, as I mentioned, no longer on Capitol-- they're on their own
label, and we hope to get some new stuff from them next year. Nick and Warren
produced the new Blondie album recently.

By the way: Chris, could you take the CBS show for me? I won't have access to
a VCR in the morning, I'm afraid. Mom just got home from the hospital, and I
think it'd be the daughterly thing to let her sleep. For a little while, at
least. THEN I'll bug the hell out of her.
