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Bothered (just a note)

You know, in listening to both _Eve_ and _Besides_, I am reminded why I
like the _Eve_ version so much better.  The piano on _Besides_ is so
annoying!  That's my biggest problem.  But on the _Eve_ version...I keep
waiting for her to do her little embellishment thing she does on _Besides_,
and I'm always so distraught that she doesn't.  *sigh*  Oh, well.  She's
still lovely.

Rickers...you going to the Anne E. gig on the 7th?  Please say yes!  I want
to meet you so bad!  I'm sorry that I've been terrible about writing
you...send me some mail, baby!

And Mark, honey, I need to get back with you!  I've been awful.

And Mr. Emery...you're sure I can spend the night on the 6th?  *wink*
Let's not have a replay of the whole Brady's thing.  Well, we shouldn't,
since Duggy won't be there, but there are always some other guys....Evan
perhaps?  *laughing*

I'm going bowling...talk to everyone later!

*hugz and kisses*
