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Re: ******re: coke, pop, soda*******

>If you think the word pop is a regional thing I've got to tell you that I
>say pop and I've lived tons of places.
>It's still regional I promise.
>Lets see I lived in Tx and they said pop there,
>My friends from there as well as the few times i've been there I've always
>heard the generic term coke.
>I lived In FL and I'm not sure what they said there
>I'm gonna bet on coke here too...
>(what ever New Yorkers say I'm sure that what they say:-),
>It's not pop believe me.
>I live in MD and they said soda there (I got beat up every time I said
>but I'm still a pop sayer!),
>case in point.
>I lived in OH and they said pop there,
> I live here in VA and they said pop,
>I want to talk to these Virginians?  All the ones around here in Roanoke
>either Soda or Coke,  and give me a hard time for saying pop. Sometimes
>got to a restraunt and they don't know what you mean.
>but how do you say "pop" in German?
>Hmmm ich muss das uberlegen....
>It seemed to me that the northerners said soda and the southerners
>said pop.
>Ohio's not in the North?  I'll agree that in New England they say SODA!
>relatives are from there, and saying pop in Boston has a completely
>different connotation.)
>(so what do people out there say?). Hummm...
>This is my humble opinion.
My 30+ years of Indiana experience has seen and heard the generic 'coke'
bandied about for anything of the soda or pop ilk more than any other.

For me, personally, I order iced tea when I'm out and drink Kool-Aid at
If I could only convince the barkeep at my favorite jazz club to keep a
of Mountainberry Blast on hand......I'd never go home.


np:  Todd Rundgren - Somewhere/Anywhere?:  unreleased tracks   (Japanese
