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Steve and I agreeing?!?!?!?

At 03:52 AM 10/8/98 -0400, OncleBoo at aol_com wrote:
>Amazingly enough, Jessyka and I actually agree on this one.  I've never
>understood the passionate devotion that some of y'all have towards "Jacksie",
>but I do enjoy "Sister" (mind you, I don't hate "Jacksie" or anything...).
>Overall though, my favorite track on "Patience" would probably be "I've Been
>Slipping", but "Patience" doesn't top my list of OtR CDs, so do with my
>opinion what you will.  Just for the record, GDBD tops my list (with TWHF
>coming in second) and I've recently hit the thirty-year mark, so I guess
>that's one more nail in the coffin of the hypothesis that only those under 23
>like GDBD.

ACK!  You mean StevieBoo and I agree on music?  What?  *laughing*  When
going through our CD collections (mine being twice what his is...have you
caught up to me yet?) I think we have 10 overlapping CDs, the six of OtR's
being the bulk of them.  It's just because he has terrible taste in music!
(Sorry, JG, but I *cannot* get into The Pogues...)

*I've Been Slipping*....*thinking*  I like it.  But it's not at the top of
my list.  (Patience *is* at the top of my list, though...).  My all-time
favorite OtR song is *How Does it Feel (to be on my mind)*.  Let's see if I
can come up with a top ten list for songs...(in no particular order)

1.  HDiF (tbomm)
2.  Bothered (Eve version)
3.  Ric's solo on TWHF (what *is* that called, btw?)
4.  Sister
5.  If I'm Drowning (live)
6.  I Painted My Name
7.  Sleep Baby Jane
8.  Mary's Waltz
9.  Within, Without
10. Rhapsodie

I know I neglected TWHF...but I haven't listened to it enough yet, and
although I need my OtR fix, all my CDs are at home!  I had them put in my
travel case, and then I lost it right before I moved here to Cincy.  So,
Daddy's supposed to mail it to me...and I'm waiting!  Very impatiently!

Ok..enough rambling.

NP:  Those Guys  _That Album_
*hugz and kisses*
