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Re: yoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! (not even slightly otr related, by the way)

In a message dated 10/7/98 6:15:24 PM, snoop_duggy_dug at hotmail_com wrote:

>what UP bruthas & sistas in da hood!!!!!!!!!!!!
>y'all some ramblin' fools, these days, let me tell you...
>although 99% of you don't give a rat's ass, just wanted to drop in & say 
>yo what up to the 1% that might.  don't have a 'puter yet in my new 
>'hood of boston, but i'm working on it.  hope everyone's chillin' like a 
>villain out there.  will be back in effect & kickin' like a chicken in 
>hopefully just a few days.  word party people in da hayouse.
>using my arms, legs, style, sassy, fingers, & my my my imagination,

Oh, my G-d! RUN!!!!!!!

(Just kidding, snookies. Nice to have you sort of back.)