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this rant brought to you in part by the comments of mr. chris emery

On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Chris Emery wrote:

> > hail from a small town in southeastern michigan that 
> > occasionally lives in the
> > shadow of a larger university town to the east named ann 
> > arbor.  
> Mention *not* the M word.
	in the words of frank cross, or bill murray

		back off, big man.  that may work for the chicks,
		but it doesn't work for me.

some of us cannot help where we were born and raised.  as a
matter of fact, some of us even relish seeing certain teams
trounced by the mighty buckeyes.

	i, for one, do not even care about football.  the only
comfort is that eastern is in the mac.  it gives plenty of
chances to visit and enjoy the beautiful state of ohio, and its
wonderfully diverse cities.

	thankfully, a few of us have been *enlightened,* and realize that
some of the finest music comes from fine state of ohio. i am especially
fond of the music that comes out of cincinnatti.  the blue birds,
graveblankets, otr, and the psychodots are worthy of so much more success 
than most of the top 40 artists.  *finely crafted pop songs,* should not
mean the kiss of death.

> > i'm 17, and i try my best to avoid excessively trendy music. > 

> Why?   Avoid *bad* and mediocre music - who cares if it's trendy or not.

	i agree with chris on this one.  let's face it, many *underground*
bands have become part of the mainstream.  that does not mean the quality
of the music has dropped.  enjoy what you can, for there is much hear in
the kingdom of earthly delights.

	whew, i think that this was more than my two cents worth.  we
apologize for any inconveniences.  back to our regularly scheduled lurking

	... before i go, thank you chris, for the taunt.


np:  the firesign theatre  _don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers_
