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Re: Gathering of Sorts. Boxcar. Pilgrimage.

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 13:29:50 GMT cemery at iwaynet_net (Chris Emery) writes:
>Bruce Lachey <lachey at bright_net> sez:
>>I think I sadly will go to the Renn Fest on the 20th as well.  I'm 
>>a big fan of them, but any time to see medieval outfits on OtR fans,
>>I'm ~there~.  I plan to stun the Renaissance fashion crowd and dress
>>as Snap, Crackle, or Pop.  Obviously there are logistics to iron out.
>Cool.   I think binky is going in his kilt.   Let's all hope for no
>wind on that day!   

yes, i WILL be in my kilt! it's a given!  and don't worry, chris, the
sporan works.... in the front anyway. ;{P}  i ended up wearing my kilt
last night about town... damn, maybe it *does* help to pick up girls!

>We'll all have to carry around 'Got Listie?' signs all day.  ;-)

too bad i don't have my shirt which would read "Over the Rhine: Under the


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