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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #264

In a message dated 8/28/98 4:15:10 PM !!!First Boot!!!, znedsfox at moody_edu

<< >Dancing on a volcano, cecook <cecook at sccoast_net> said:
 >>exactly.  and truth be told, does it really matter whether or not
 >>linford did or did not write on song from a christian standpoint.  i
 >>think not.  the song's the song.  take it for whatever it is to you and
 >>leave at that.  now, it's time for me to go pack a bowl, tune into some
 >>of karin's great vocal stylings and think about what it is "go down
 >>easy" REALLY means... to me.
 Whoa.....dude.....that's so.....deep. >>

i bet that is just what jesus would say to someone, now, isn't it?

(you're the one broadcasting your convictions over the list.  so stand by
them.  don't be a bitch to cat for expressing her feelings about the band.
"if you're gonna come around here and say those sorts of things... you better
wear your thickest skin"--VOL)