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responses--oh how fun this thread has been...

Hey all,

Steve:  thank you.

Chris, you wrote:

> Yes, but does the artist have to *design* a song specifically to be
> open to diverse interpretation?   Me, I don't think so.
I don't think so either but not everyone can hang a dead ringer every
toss either...some people have to actually work for the good stuff...:o)

> Good thoughts, and eloquently put throughout this whole post, Mark.

Aww.  I feel loved!!

Lisa:  Thank you!

Melissa wrote:

> ...and by the way, I
> am
> told that I'm beautiful, make your comments if you want!
> and I'm also
> sure that if we didn't communicate via email where you could not actually
> see them, these women's very in depth, though-provoking insights would be
> overlooked totally!

Oh, I'm sorry I was trying to picture what you would like--did you say
something, Melissa?  ;Op

Paul said:  > Well, if the shoe fits...

  cool story--highly unbelievable, but still very cool that things can
happen that way...

jg said (BTW welcome back!!):  > It seems to me most of the time we
don't get on here and say, "Karin's
> hot!"    Where did that come from?

I had been asking this question to myself all day...  makes no sense
does it??

Jan certainly said: > i am certianly not the one to be setting things
*straight*  but karin IS
> hot.

jan, for once we can definitely agree!!  :oP

and you must be on a roll, because you also said:  

> umm...  if otr was one of the bands who was "up front with their lyrics"
> would
> we be having these debates every few months?

I would have to say "no" here.  Very good point, Jan.

Oh well, two outta three ain't bad--you also added:

> i don't think anyone is denying that
> karin
> and linford (at least) are (at some level) believers, but that doesn't mean
> the *band* has "lifting up christ" as their goal...

It's a fine line I know, but as believers, K&L's focus SHOULD be on
lifting up Christ---it's just something you strive for ya know??--kinda
like that dream house in the mountains, or losing that extra weight and
keeping it off--it should always be on the horizon so to speak...

and last of all, I was introduced to OTR during a time when I was
seeking quality christian music. I read a review of patience in CCM
magazine and the rest is history.  so no, I was not blown away by
finding christian qualities in their music--at first it was just the
opposite--I was like "what, this stuff is supposed to be christian?" 
and then the nuances set in.  the subtleties eroded my mind and I've
been brainwashed eversince!!! and I'm happy to be so!!  although I must
add, I don't have what it takes to please any of you...  :oP

M (which stands for mark) who is feeling giddy while snapping the chains
of lurkdom.

oh well off to bed.