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RE: Uncomfortable Ric

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua M. Neds-Fox
> Referring to Mr. Caviness's statement, as follows:
> "... material on GDBD that Ric was uncomfortable enough with to leave the
> group..."
> Is this a substantiated claim?  Is there an interview I can read somewhere
> that quotes Ric as saying this?  I'm not refuting that it might be true--
> Ric certainly has some artistic purist qualities.  It's just that a couple
> of interviews I read here in Chicago seemed to cite some very different
> "differences" that led him away from OTR.
> I ask out of ignorance-- I just didn't follow a lot of the breakup news.
The official reasons cited for the split were the ever-familiar "creative
differences." I have it on good authority from sources close to the band
that, although Ric liked the material coming out of GDBD, he felt he was
being forced out of the creative process by other members of the group, so
he chose to make his side project his main creative outlet. It has not been
documented in any interview or press or announcement by the band, but it is
reliable information from a "Deep Throat" type source.

