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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #258

Ms. Kendrickjd, I don't think I have that poster for some reason.
Can ya scan it, or a portion?  My OtR stash is miles from here,
but I honestly don't recall getting one of those.

Mr. Cavinessb, for some reason this line got me laughing out loud
pretty darned hard for at least a minute.  I'm still kinda giggly
just cutting-and-pasting it:

> Or maybe they will slowly evolve into Ace of Base.

(I agree with my pal Rich that maybe there should be a list of
words that men shouldn't say; so far we agree it shall include
at least "sleepy" and "tummy", but I'm willing to add "giggly";
I used it above only for comedic effect.)

The thing with pop music is is after 16 or so listens you're
pretty sick of it.  There are few people (in my mind) that have
been able to produce multipably-listenable pop tunes; (Sir) George
Martin and Linford are both somewhere up there on that list...
I mean, there's not rocket-science-song structure on any OtR
song, it's all I-IV-V progression usually, but somehow produced
so it's not as ... obvious.  You can re-listen to it and still
enjoy the heck out of it.

Perhaps once the new pop tunes come out on the big label, they'll
be glossed down some (remember us pissed fans when GDBD came out
and LD was stripped down, and the ghastly-stark Seahorse compared
with the rippin' live version?).  Or maybe there's great things
that'll pull us back in the lyrics.  Who the heck knows.

I'm babbling, no-one likes a babbler.


NP: Ace of Base "Cruel Summer"