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returned to list


after a four week holiday i find myself back behind my computer in the
office, not quite knowing what to do (and who i am).

{ i admit the following part is very late, sorry for that }

I just would like to add that i have enjoyed Cornerstone very much. I have
been able to see a lot of bands play that probably will not come to
Holland, like Havalina Rail Co., Danielson Family, MxPx, Supertones, VOL
and others. As you can see, I like different kinds of music.
I liked the OTR set. They played a couple of new songs which sounded pretty
good. I talked to Karin and Linford about the chances of them playing in
Holland this year, and their tour with CJ might bring them to Europe,
provided their record company has the funds (and is willing to
spend/invest) to send them there. I hope they can make it.

I looked around after the show for other listies, but I have met only one
very briefly. I hope I get another chance someday.
