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Deity of the Week (was Re: sense and sentences)

Leaving a trail of cookie crumbs and wet footprints, LOKNKEE at aol_com
>>Deity of the Week
>?? what's this all about...clue me in please! I'm still a half- newbie

Well, a phrase that is commonly tossed about is "thank god for this
(or that)", and I thought that generic application of gratitude was
rather impersonal, so I instituted the Deity of the Week so that
people can be specific in displays of gratitude, swearing, or any
other application of general deity-referencing. (i.e. Thank Abraxas
for X; or Kali damn it!)   So far the only problem is that I keep
forgetting what day I pass the torch, so the week tends to run a
little long.   Suggestions are always welcome - we don't want to leave
anyone out.

Got it now?

--NP: Pearl Jam - _Vs._
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
