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Re: @%#*!!!!

Leaving a trail of cookie crumbs and wet footprints,
binkmeisterrick at juno_com (Richard S Callender) said:

>my e-mail was temporarily eaten up a second time....

And it's the computer's fault?   Computers are funny...they always do
what you tell them.

>and mr. emery, you wonder why i prefer a Mac.... silly, like there's any
>other choice?

I'm not gettin' into it on the list, Binky.

>fortunately, I was able to retrieve most of my addy list, but I'd
>appreciate it if you folks would e-mail me a hello so i can auto save 'em

What if we want to hide from you?

>and i guess it's time to get a good server so i can hook my Mac online
>and avoid the pitfalls of a makeshift PC.....

No wonder you don't like PCs

>Ahhhh..... ain't technology wonderful?

Why yes, Rick, it is.

--NP: Nine Inch Nails- _Broken_
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
"We love cones."
--Jeff Myers, during a conversation on cones
