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Mike's Leaving, Paula Cole, and Other Stuff?

*frown*  But he was so *cute*!  I loved watching him play......oh, yeah, and
listening to him, too.  *wink*

I don't know this Wade guy, but then, I'm *way* out of the loop.  I'm sure
he'll be able to add something, but I'm still going to miss just looking at

And, btw, I have to agree with Jan that Paula Cole's first album is much
better than the second.  I've had it for years (my Dad bought the tape and I
stole it...), and my favorite song on it is *The Ladder*  It's just a
beautiful CD.....I recommend it highly!

So, the listie t-shirts are going to be a definite?  I don't think that we
should say that we'll just use them for Cornerstone.....I mean, there are
other OtR shows, right?  And no need to personalize them.....wear a name tag
if you're that desperate for someone to know who you are.

*ack*  That reminds me....I have to go get my Kennywood ID!  Can't work
without it, you know!

NP:  Letters To Cleo  _Aurora Gory Alice_
(although in the back of my mind the music from the merry-go-round plays all
the time)
*hugz and kisses*