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Re: t-shirts, other stuff

Recalling the power of trains, "jg900" <jg900 at bright_net> said:
>BSC's  Got Jack?   is the best yet,  although merely IMO.  

It's pretty high on my list, too.   ;-)

>then chris said <P>  Actually, you're the most recognizable listie this side of Stefanie Riehle.   ;-)
>And don't forget the other side of Stefanie Riehle!

New thread subject: "Which side of Stefanie do you like best?"   LOL
Stefanie is aesthetically pleasing from all angles, IMO.

>Now, if I wear my "i love you, terri" shirt,  and chris wears his "i love you, mike" shirt,  then dug, it's up to you to pull on your "i love you, brian" shirt so we can have the complete set.  (suddenly thinking of Larry Moe and Curly, but unsure why....)

I think Duggy's still holding out for a shirt that says "I love you,

>Oh, and then the following night my girl anne e.  is giggin' at an all-day, lots-o'-bands fundraiser for breast cancer research,  and me without a Little Ian sitter.  aaauuuughhh! (again).  Well, maybe some of you could go.... Termite Jeff, is your band playin' that show?

I doubt it.   It's called FemmeFest, or somesuch according to Anne E's
answering machine.  (I finally remembered to call her)  It's a ton of
female artists from the Cleveland area, and proceeds go to breast
cancer research, as you stated.   Being the big fan of breasts that I
am, I was going to try to hit this thing.   jg, you can bring Ian with
us.  He likes breasts, too.

>Chris,  sorry about gently picking on you today about the cows eating steaks off plates.  

What?  Did I miss this one?

>I forgot about your Percodans!  No doubt you are enjoying them,  evidently  too much so.  Andrew,  tell him!   Didn't mean to be a buzzkill, though.   sorry.  If I had a bottle of Percs, I'd be havin' fun with 'em, too.  uh-oh!  Doctor!  i accidentally knocked these down the sink. Please, sir, may i have some more?
>(the views expressed on this list are those of the contributor and are not necessarily those of the host or affiliated parties- - -legal disclaimer)

Umm....I don't have any Percs yet.   I go in for surgical extraction
next Thursday.    I'm busy being nervous about it now.

>by- - -um,  no, sorry.   Farewell.  uh-huh, lets do that one.  farewell. 

This reminds me.   Is anyone else as pleased as I am that they
recorded 'Goodbye' finally?   I only hope the studio recording does
justice to the power it has live.

-- NP: Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - _She's The One_
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
