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Re: 6 ways I've wasted time today while the mainframes are down

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Michael Cade wrote:

> 5) tried to figure out what Rhys' latin said


i forgot the translations...

Fac ut aptenodyte
get a penguin

Abutebaris modo aptenodyte denuo...
you're misusing the penguin again...

Aptenodyte iustum est
the penguin is right

Cave ne ante ullas aptenodytes ambules.
If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any penguins.

Aptenodyte meus id comedit.
my penguin ate it

Aptenodytes quidem artem amatoriam invenerunt.
You know, the penguins invented the art of love.

> Why do things always break when you need them most?

beacuase the people who code them are silly


Valui ad aptenodyte in computatrum meum invocandum.
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